Well, I have the bones for chapters one and two. I’ve decided to go with a bit of fairy history. I want to incorporate what is already “out there” in regards to how Banshees and other fairies were created, but my research came up with very little. The only story I found is that the first baby’s first laugh turned into the first fairies. It’s a charming idea and I’ll definitely use it, but it’s not quite enough, is it?

The good thing about not having a well-known history is that I can completely create it on my own. The bad thing is that I’m going to have to completely create it on my own. **sigh**

Here’s the path I’m taking at present…

Rion Addergoole is known to his friends and family as pleasant, but odd. He is an alchemist before anyone knows of alchemy and spends his time doing experiments with different items he finds around him. You see, he just can’t believe that what he sees in the world is all there is. He senses that there is something greater, or at least something else than what he experiences with his physical self. His experiments are his attempts at figuring out this other world he detects only with his mind and his heart.

As what sometimes happens when experimenting and opening yourself to the unfamiliar, a strange thing occurs. A bubble appears above his workspace. It’s not a bubble of water or fire, but of both. Stranger still, he sees another world through this bubble.

This other world he sees is filled with strange plants and trees; animals that defy description roam about. He is surprised by an especially unusual lizard, very large with wings and who breathes fire. Looking further he notices small people, not like people he’s ever seen before; they are humanoid, but tiny, sparkly, and obviously very magical. Much to his amazement, they also fly!

Rion is entranced by this other world and figures out how to enter it. Once through the bubble, he finds that the figures aren’t tiny at all, the new place he’s entered is of a far larger scale than the earth he left behind. The tiny figures are equal to him and are very curious about this stranger who fell from the trees.

Well, that’s all I’ll reveal of the synopsis today. It obviously still needs to be fleshed out quite a bit.